Back in my college days, I was a big soap opera fan. Lots of us girls would rush back to the dorm at lunchtime with our to-go boxes to watch our soap of choice. As soon as our episode was done, we would filter out and another group of wild-eyed girls would plop down in our places for the next show.

One thing that always irritated me about soaps was how they would occasionally change actors. The episode would begin with the shocking announcement…

The part of  such-and-such will now be played by so-and-so.

And then everything would continue as if NOTHING had changed. The story would just go on.

It was always very unsettling to me. It’s as if some alien space ship could just come down, suck me up and drop someone else into my place and no one would even notice.

I’m feeling that familiar sensation today. I’ve been advised to change my lead character’s name in my work-in-progress, Shaken. Her name changed a few times in the early days of writing, but she has been “Wanda (the wanderer)” for over a year now. But recently a critiquer made some very compelling points about the name and I realize in my heart that she is right.

So I’ve spent the last few days mulling over names. Since the character’s father is a German immigrant, I’d like something that suggests her heritage and the historical period in which she lives (1906). And yet, it needs to be meaningful to young readers, today. I’m presently leaning toward either Abigail (Abby) or Adelaide (Addy). Or maybe I just got stuck in the A’s section of the baby names book. I even petitioned my friends on Facebook for help and got a plethora of responses from Alma to Winnifred. They are all great names. But my heart still feels unsettled. As Wanda, she was clear in my imagination. When I imagine her with a different name, her face gets all foggy again.

Oh, well. It has to be done. Time to hit the baby name websites again. I think I hear that alien space ship humming overhead. Beam me (her) up, Scotty!


  • Anytime—let me know if you need anything else. I’m truly a No.Californian–I had no idea I knew so much. I probably know more about CA now then WA. Sad–very sad. When are you coming to visit me in Napa?

  • FYI–Anastasia informs me that Addy is an American Girl character. She was from the Civil War era. Don’t know if that would matter to you.

  • My husband is german (half german). His mom was german. His grandmother’s name was Edith. My hubby is pulling out a letter (written in german….as I type) to see if there are any names in it. It was sent to his mom many years ago and we ran across it the other day.
    Now he is calling his aunt to ask what his cousin’s name is. He believes it started with a W.
    Waltraud is Doug’s cousin’s name. Margaret is another cousin’s name.
    Lisa was his greatgrandmother’s name.

    I don’t know if this helps any, but maybe you can use one of them.

    Blessings, andrea

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