Have you ever asked someone for a critical eye and then actually gotten your wish?
I sent my first two chapters off for a professional critique. I’ve been critiqued before — it’s part of the learning process. You get great advice and come out the better for it in the end. But, it doesn’t make it fun.
I got it back on Friday. I read the comments. I sulked. I fussed. I snapped at my kids. Glared at the husband. Growled at the cats. Got take-out for dinner.
I spent the weekend mulling over the comments. Every comment was well thought-out. Every thing was written nicely and in a helpful manner. And worst of all — I agreed with every comment. Ugh. Back to work for me.
I don’t write this post to whine, complain or begin a pity party. I want those of you who are looking to write professionally to know that the “hurt” is part of the business. Rejection, criticism, and advice will help shape us into the writers we want to be. Don’t let the hurt stop you. Push through it and learn to write better. Just like exercise makes you stronger, critques make you a better writer. You might not enjoy it at the time, but it will be worth it.
Now, I’m off to make some changes…
And then I’m sending away for some more critquing. Ow, ow, ow! Keep it coming! Ow!
Karen: I experienced this same pain when my first ms. was edited. I’m so glad I pushed through my pouting and made the changes; I’m a better writer for it.
Thanks for the encouragement,
Audience of ONE
It’s best when it isn’t a friend. You would think that would be better but it never is.
your last sentence had me laughing. You get a+++ for keep moving forward. thanks for this. It’s sooo full of encouragment. Sarah