Thank you to everyone who took part in Trust Chronicles! I had such fun reading everyone’s comments. Many of them touched my heart. If you haven’t had the opportunity to read Laurie’s letter or the comments that followed, you can scroll down or click here.
The contest is complete and the drawings have been…drawn. 🙂
Here is the official list of winners:
Winning Laurie’s prize bundle (including a copy of MISTAKEN, when available; and Laurie’s collection of lavender-scented goodies) is…
Here is the list of winners for the all five prize packs:
Molly’s Prize from Regina Jennings, author of Love In the Balance: Wendy Lawton
Cassie’s Prize from Joanne Bischof, author of Though My Heart is Torn: Jenny (with “nightowlreading” e-mail address)
Bonnie’s Prize from Amanda Dykes, author of Among the Pines: Martha Sturm
Laurie’s Prize from Karen Barnett, author of Mistaken, Laurie’s Prize: Bonnie Walker
Georgie’s Prize from Sarah Sundin, author of On Distant Shores: Rebecca (with the “sunflower” e-mail address)
And the grand prize winner of the keepsake box filled with the five hand-inscribed letters and personal momentos from each heroine:
Congratulations, everyone!And a huge thank-you to the Chronicles team. I was so blessed to get to work with Joanne Bischof, Amanda Dykes, Sarah Sundin, and Regina Jennings. If you could have seen the e-mails and prayers flying back and forth behind the scenes, you would know just how much fun we all had working together to bring this project to you. I hope it blessed you, as well. We pray that the words of Proverbs 3:5-6 have nestled their way into the depths of your heart: