My daughter was reading to me the other day from a Dr. Seuss book called, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut. It’s an adorable book, but it got me thinking. The technologically savvy kids of today are reading completely differently than my generation and those that came before me. Much of their time is spent reading text messages, blogs, MySpace, Facebook and Twitter. Have you ever noticed that these things are always printed upside down? Well, not literally upside down. What I mean is this: the first “post” is always at the bottom (or the back page) and the newest post is at the top. So, if you are trying to catch up on a conversation or a story, you have to go to the end and read backwards.

This came up when a friend of mine started a blog for our church’s Moms group. She posted a welcome message first, then some photographs, and so on. Now we are posting weekly activities, updates, devotional thoughts, etc. But every time we post, the original message gets pushed further back.

If you were just joining our group and wanted to learn more about us, you could start with today’s post and work your way back (forward?) to the “beginning.” Or, you could click your way to the back and read forward. Now, I’m thoroughly confused. How about you?

Kids growing up today probably view this as normal.

So, I’m thinking about starting a new book. I’m going to start at the end and write it backwards. Or is that start at the end and write it forward?

Ugh. It’s giving me a headache just thinking about it.

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