A whole new world… Remember the words to the Disney song?
I was brainstorming about book two today and it hit me. My lead character was interesting in book one (Shaken) because she was broken. By the end of Shaken, she has reached a point of healing. No matter what disaster I throw at her, she is going to react in a different way than she did before. I’ve already outlined the story of Book 2, but the more I ponder it, the more I realize that though this new crisis affects her — it isn’t really her story. It’s Robert’s (male romantic lead). This story is about HIS insecurities and anxieties, and though they affect her in dramatic ways — in the end, it’s his problem.
So, now I’m considering writing book two from Robert’s perspective. As a new writer, that idea terrifies me. Can I write a male POV (point of view) character and make it believable? Will the readers be willing to let Abigail rest and instead care about Robert’s thoughts and dreams? Who will be the lead in book three?
It’s frightening, and yet exciting, too. I have a whole new person to take apart and put back together. That’s really how I view writing. Who is this person? What makes them tick? What do they fear? How will they react when I throw their worst fear in their face?
I’ve written a tentative first chapter from Robert’s perspective. It’s still very rough, but I’m thinking about posting it here so that you can give me some feedback. Interested?

I’m still drawing a blank on a title for book two. The story will focus on anxieties, secrets and prejudice against the Chinese in turn of the century San Francisco. My husband was teasing me that since book one was called Shaken, book two should be Not Stirred. Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to work. Anybody have any other ideas they want to share?

One Comment

  • Karen, I like this idea very much. I have read other trilogies that follow this pattern and it works well. If the 2 of them end up together, the last book develops their relationship and defines their goals and dreams. Lots of room for some adventure and mis-adventures there! You are fast becoming a great author and I look forward to being an ardent follower and fan! (I’ll have to show you a picture of my brown haired Abigail one day! She’s 7 and lives in MO.)

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