UPDATE: The two name-the-bison giveaways are now closed. The winner from the Giveaway Tools app is Margaret Nelson and the additional winner from among the blog commenters is Elizabeth Litton! I’ll try and get in touch with you via email, but please contact me if you don’t hear from me soon. You can each choose either a signed copy of Ever Faithful or an official Vintage National Parks mug. Congratulations!!!
GIVEAWAY UPDATE: Ugh. Bear with me. Giveaway tools is giving me gray hair. They closed the giveaway on schedule even though I’d edited it to add the extra time. There’s no way to open it again. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll award one prize to the random winner from the closed Name-the-Bison giveaway as originally scheduled. For everyone else, I’ll select a second random winner from the BLOG COMMENTS on May 10 (at 10 am Pacific time). One entry per person, so if you’ve already left a blog comment, you’re in the running. Thank you for your understanding and patience. 🙂
I’m one of those weird people who love to give names to odd objects. My car is Cherry. My computer is McLaptop 2.0. My guitar’s formal name is Tyler, but he goes by “Baby.” Yep, that’s me! Today, a strange thought crossed my mind. The bison on the front cover of Ever Faithful doesn’t have a name yet. We need to fix that–and I’m looking at you. Can you help me name the bison?
Go ahead and submit your suggestion in the comments below. I’ll choose a couple of my favorites and we can vote on Facebook next week. It won’t be featured in the story, but we’ll know–right? Good!
Let’s do a giveaway, too! More about that in a moment.
Pre-Order Bonus
Have you heard that my publisher, WaterBrook & Multnomah, is offering a set of postcards and stickers inspired by the Vintage National Parks novels as a bonus for pre-ordering Ever Faithful? All you have to do is order the book from your favorite retailer by June 17 and then enter your information here >> https://bit.ly/2KwaEit Isn’t that fun? Grab yours before they run out!
Giveaway details
And just to make this even more of a party atmosphere, how about a giveaway? I’m going to do a random prize drawing from everyone who enters, just to be sure everything is legal. (In other words, the person who actually names the bison will have bragging rights, but that doesn’t make them an automatic prize winner).
The random winner will receive either a Vintage National Parks mug -or- a paperback copy of Ever Faithful. Their choice!

Fine print: US addresses, only. You must be 18+ to enter. Void where prohibited, no purchase necessary. Contest opens today, May 28 and will close June 4 at 5 pm Pacific time.
To enter the giveaway, put your info in the giveaway tools form below (I’ll give you a bonus entry for tweeting about the contest). To suggest a bison name, leave it in the comments below this post. Got it? That’s two or three things, but only the form is required for entry into the giveaway.
Don’t forget to give me your suggestion of bison names below! I’ll choose a couple of favorites and then we can vote on my Facebook author page starting Wednesday, June 5. Winning the name selection does not affect the giveaway (or vice versa).
So, what do you think we should call him? Scroll down to “Leave a Reply.” I can’t wait to hear what you think!