Happy Birthday, MISTAKEN!
Today is the official release day for my debut novel, Mistaken. It’s a bit surreal walking into a bookstore and seeing my novel sitting on the shelf.
When you first start writing, you dream about this moment, but the rest of the process seems very private. You sit and daydream the story, you type on your computer, you talk with your characters (when no one is listening).
Now people are reading it, meeting the characters, and experiencing their lives. Every time I think about it, I feel a little woozy.
So instead, I’ll focus on firsts.
- Holding the book for the first time (6/15/2013). And restraining myself from hugging the Fed-Ex guy.
- First sighting of my book on the store shelf (7/2/2013)–That honor goes to Tree of Life Christian Store in Corvallis, Oregon.
- First blog review/Amazon review (7/2/2013): Faith Farrell on her blog, Found a Christian By His Grace. And what a review! “Each time I thought I had these characters pegged, they turned around and let me see a different corner of their heart.” Thanks, Faith!
- First author signing (coming 7/13/2013) will be at Tree of Life, Corvallis, 1-3 pm.

Here are a few upcoming events. I hope you can join me at some of them!
- I’ll be guest-posting on Jill Kemerer’s blog on July 8
- Interviewed on Lindsay Harrel’s blog on July 10
- Speaking at Albany Women’s Connection Brunch on July 10 (reservations required).
- Author signing at the Tree of Life Bookstore in Corvallis, Oregon from 1-3 pm on July 13.
- The official “Roaring 20s Gala” Launch Party on July 16, 7-9 pm in Albany. (Follow the link for more details and to RSVP.)
- Heroine interview on Margaret Daley’s blog during the week of July 29th.
- Oregon Christian Writers (OCW) Summer Conference, August 12-15, Portland, Oregon.
- ACFW Annual Conference, September 13-15, Indianapolis, IN.
- Guest Blog on Seriously Write on Oct 25.
It’s going to be a fun year! Thank you, everyone, for your prayers and encouragement. Please continue praying for Mistaken. It has always been my hope God would use this story, not just to entertain, but to touch and transform lives. I’m thrilled (and a touch terrified) to see it getting into the hands of readers!