At the risk of sounding like a bad television commercial–this summer is going to be HOT. There are so many great Christian novels coming out this summer, my to-read stack is growing dangerously tall. I’ve warned my little dachshund not to get too close, or she might find herself caught in an avalanche.
One novel I was especially excited to get my hands on was Leslie Gould‘s Adoring Addie, the second book in the Courtships of Lancaster County series. The series is a new twist on Shakespeare’s classic plays. I love the tagline for Adoring Addie: “Not since Romeo and Juliet has a couple faced odds this long.”
Here is the run-down on the story, as found on Adoring Addie‘s back cover:
The Cramers and Mosiers have been angry with each other for as long as anyone can remember. Things had cooled to a simmer… until Addie Cramer and Jonathan Mosier fell head over heels for each other. Now old tensions are renewed, and Addie’s parents insist she marry stolid and uninspiring Phillip Eicher.
Distraught at a future apart, the two decide their best hope is to reconcile the two families… but that means digging into the past to see what tore them apart. Will their love be enough to keep them together or will long-held secrets ruin their chance at happiness.
I enjoyed reading this new take on Romeo and Juliet. Though I always balk at love-at-first-sight stories, Gould did an artful job of setting up the scenario where I could see the obedient and careful Addie grasping at this one opportunity to take control of her own life.
I was very curious how the author would handle the ending, but don’t worry–I’m not going to give away any spoilers. You’ll have to find out for yourself.
I thought Adoring Addie
was a good follow-up to Gould’s first Shakespeare retelling, Courting Cate
, based on Taming of the Shrew. Now I’m waiting eagerly for the next installment in The Courtships of Lancaster County, Minding Molly, based on A Midsummer Night’s Dream, releasing in 2014.
Happy Reading!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book for free from Bethany House for the purpose of review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”