Have you ever been curious about the day-to-day life of a writer? I’ve compiled a quick list of what my working life entails right now. I’ve also included a prayer request with each section. I’ve been feeling led to pray more earnestly about my career–I hope you will join me.
1. Writing the second book in the Golden Gate Chronicles. Actually I’m in the re-writing and polishing stage of this. The manuscript is due at my publisher in March, and I’m in the process of sanding down the rough spots, decorating the bland sections, and chopping the unnecessary bits. Kind of like woodcarving, right? You cut out the basic shape (rough draft), and then you sand and polish until it’s finished. Since the deadline is approaching so quickly, this is my #1 priority. It also means that I’m drinking copious amounts of caffeine and staying up too late at night.
Please pray with me that this book contains the words He has planned, and a story that will touch readers’ lives.
But while that’s happening, I’m also keeping these other balls in the air . . . 2. Working with my publisher on cover art and title for Book 2 of the Golden Gate Series. The gorgeous covers you see on Mistaken and Out of the Ruins (Golden Gate Chronicles, Book 1) are thanks to my amazing publisher, Abingdon Press. It takes time to get that all in motion, so even though book two doesn’t release until 2015, the cover process begins now. For the most part, authors do not choose their covers, but we do help the cover designers get a good understanding of the story and characters they are portraying. Right now I’m assembling that info for Book 2. In addition to character sketches and plot outlines, it also includes sample photographs/drawings of characters, fashion, and locations.
Please pray that the designer gets not only the “look” of the story, but also finds a way to incorporate the deeper spiritual content in a way that will encourage readers to pick it up and dive in.
3. Marketing the current book, MISTAKEN. Marketing is a never-ending task, but I’m finding it fun as well. This week, I had an interview posted on Christian Bookshelf Review and we’re doing a book giveaway. You can read lots of fun behind-the-scenes stuff, and enter to win a copy of Mistaken (contest runs through 2/14/2014). I also visited with a book club last week via FaceTime. Technically, that’s marketing–but sometimes it seems like play. (See my blog post about book clubs.)
Please join me in prayers of thanksgiving for how well this book has been received. God has poured out His blessings, and I’m eternally grateful.
4. Setting marketing/publicity in motion for the next release, OUT OF THE RUINS (coming May 2014). I’m working with a publicist this time, so it’s been fun sending emails back and forth about press releases and Facebook parties. I’m also working with a web designer on a major overhaul on this website. I’ve been a control-freak do-it-yourselfer up until now, but I’m really enjoying sitting back and watching as she comes up with these spectacular ideas. I feel a bit like Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek fame, “Make it so.”
Please pray that the marketing opens readers’ eyes to God’s message and is not just trumpeting me and my own agenda. That’s a constant fear of mine.
5. Looking ahead to the third book in the Golden Gate series. Yes, my deadline for this book is a year away, but historical research sometimes eats up a lot of time. Right now I’m in the “simmer”stage. The ideas are beginning to churn. I’ll keep feeding ingredients into the pot until it bubbles over. Then the actual writing begins.
Pray with me that this story, which deals with some darker topics (prostitution and slavery in 1900s-era Chinatown, San Francisco), will open people’s eyes to the ongoing problem in today’s world. Also pray I can write it in a sensitive manner, particularly the cross-cultural aspects of the story.
6. Learning and perfecting the craft. I’m making plans to attend several conferences this year (Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference and Oregon Christian Writers summer conference for certain). Conferences are where I can work with writing coaches and instructors to refine my skills. I also get tidbits of information on current trends and changes in the publishing world.
Please pray I will follow His leading as to which conferences to attend and that my family will be safe as I travel.
Thank you for praying with me. I’m hoping God will allow me to write more books in the future–but I’m doing my best to leave it in His capable hands.